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A beautiful opportunity to slow down and have fun with your kids, connecting with nature and learning essential life skills together to support your families mental health, connection and overall wellbeing

What Parents are saying

Mummy Son Bonding Time

Teaching the little guy to slow down.

He loved doing the stretches and poses partnered with me

and having some mummy son bonding time.


Thanks again for a great class this afternoon

Sammi - Nutrition with Sammi


Wild Flow Wellbeing's vision is to support a world where every child, regardless of background or circumstance, is equipped with the essential life skills of yoga and mindfulness with access to calming and grounding natural spaces so they can feel empowered to navigate their life with calm, confidence and the ability to connect to themselves and the world around them.


We are committed to supporting kids and families all accross South East Queensland with opportunities to slow down, get outdoors more and spend quality time together practicing yoga and mindfulness. It is our mission to continue to break down barriers and ensure that all children are equipped with these transformative tools to empower their young minds with resilience, mindfulness, and emotional balance, supporting their journey towards a healthier and more fulfilling daily life.

Inspired by Nature

Combining the healing and calming benefits of nature with the healing and calming benefits

of mindful movement, creating and relaxation just makes sense


  • Nature teaches us about change and helps us to be present and grateful in the seasons of our lives


  • Spending time in nature helps us to slow down and evokes curiosity, creativity and calm


  • Nature provides a calming and comforting space for us to just be


  • We learn through observing nature that we are all unique and have different needs


  • Nature is a great healer, it can help us to feel grounded and supported


  • We can use nature to focus our attention and become more present in our lives


  • Nature craft is a fun way to connect with the natural world and use our imaginations and problem solving skills


  • We can understand diversity just by looking at nature and seeing its vibrant range of colours, shapes and textures. Its a great tool for mindfulness and presence


  • Nature encourages us to be active, adventurous and open to new possibilities


  • Happy hormones serotonin and dopamine are released when in nature

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Compassion, we believe is about being present, kind and caring to one another. We endeavour to provide safe, inclusive and judgement free spaces to allow everyone to express themselves fully and freely and participate in a way that feels good for them

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Connection is a powerful and important aspect of Wild Flow Kids, it is my intention to create inclusive, supportive and accessible spaces and oppportunities for everyone to learn, grow and deepen their connection with themselves, with nature and with others

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In a world that is constantly in a rush, our classes and programs include activities and sensory tools like music, to help children slow down, rest their nervous systems and understand how to use their bodies and breath to bring more calm and relaxation to their lives

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Our classes and programs thrive off creativity and we encourage co-creation with our kids to navigate our yoga classes and adventures together. Creativity is how we connect to one another and how we transform our dreams from our imaginations into our realities

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Fostering confidence and pride is what our programs are all about. We love to see the kids faces when they have a go, challenge themselves and realise what their bodies can do. Our aim is to inspire, encourage, celebrate and empower our little yogi's each step along the way

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Children are inately curious about the world around them and our sessions are designed to encourage them to have a go, try new things and learn all about themselves and the world around them. They are actively encouraged to cocreate in our sessions and share the journey together

Grass Close Up

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land we live, play and work on

and pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. We also acknowledge sovereignty has never been ceded.


Everyone is welcome here

You are perfect in your unique wild design 

You will always be loved, nurtured and accepted here 

© 2023 Wild Flow Wellbeing




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