This Parenting game is WILD!
But the good news is, I am right in it with you and I have learned a lot in the past 17 years as a mum and even more from sharing spaces and supporting kids and families just like you!
Parenting should be Wild
A wild ride of learning and growing and sharing life with our awesome little humans, trying to make sense of themselves and the world around them.
It's our job to guide them, not tame them
In my opinion it's the hardest thing in the world to do, especially when they are pushing against all of our own triggers, when were tired and trying to do our best and look after ourselves, go to work, do the chores and take care of their wellbeing
We all need extra support
That's why I have put together some resources to help you out and created opportunities for families to gather together, slow down and learn practical tips and tools to help in your daily life
Nature is a great place to start
Nature has been a huge part of my life and a way for me to find peace and calm when things feel tough.
There is so much research to show its greater benefits for our overal health, including our mental health and reducing stress, anxiety and increasing our overall happiness and wellbeing
It is my mission to support you and your family to spend more time outdoors and experience the benefits
and lessons that nature provides us all with
​Nature teaches us
To experience awe, wonder and gratitude
To be curious, patient and kind
To understand change and life and death
To be critical thinkers and problem solvers
To slow down and witness change
To be present with our feelings and experiences
To understand difference and similarity
and so much more​​
Start by Downloading my FREE PDF 8 Tips to getting kids outdoors and off screens